Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thoughts from the other side


it's hard to believe that this part of the journey that I've been working so hard at for so long is finished now!  I had my surgery at 9 am on Monday, January 14, 2013.  Everything went very well, short of the fact that I was a human pincushion because they couldn't find any good veins for blood draws or IVs, and a rather harrowing brush with nausea and dizziness when I first tried to get out of bed post-op.  Beyond that, I can't say as I regret a single minute.

So now what?

Well, I've worked my way up from barely managing half a spoonful of ice chips, to being able to steadily take in sips of fluid throughout the day.  Today I started my bariatric vitamins, and I can start what they call "full liquids", which basically means "liquids you can't see through" (milk, protein shakes, etc.).  I haven't yet managed to work up the nerve to try any of those yet, but it will be happening today.  I'll be adding new foods one at a time, checking in with Bella (my new tummy) to see how they're tolerated, and slowly getting back to something approaching a normal diet.  I can resume going to the gym next week after my staples come out, but I have to take it easy and can't lift anything over 10 lbs, so basically, it'll just be very gently paced walks on the treadmill til I get some clearance.

All that said, last but certainly not least, here's the best part of this experience so far:

Yep, breaking out of the 300s finally HAPPENED!  I've lost a total of 35.6 pounds since I started my pre-op diet, and 5.2 of those in the last 3 days.  So far, I couldn't be happier with this decision, and now I'm ready to ROCK IT!

Nothing but good stuff so far...



Friday, December 28, 2012

Holy Sheesh...

I guess I've fallen out of the habit of blogging for a bit.  Good heavens, there's a lot to catch up!

So, let's do the Cliff Notes version.  Here are the things that have happened in my life recently that I haven't  blogged about:

  • Joined that gym.  Yes, I did, and I love it, and I'm rockin' it 3-4 times a week.
  • Fibromyalgia.  Actually, this happened years ago.  But the diagnosis just happened in November.  There's a name for the pain and stiffness and spasms.  The brain fog and fatigue have a name, too.  And that name isn't "getting old and being fat".  I'm so glad I've learned to advocate for myself, or I'd still be suffering.
  • The end of my marriage.  Sometimes, you know, when changes take place, people grow apart.  Sadly, that's what happened here.  Sure it stings.  But both of us, I think, will be better in the long run.
  • Oh surgery was approved. Yup, that's right...after all the insurance hurdles and craziness, that part's done.  Surgery is a go and full steam ahead, ETA January 14, 2013.
Obviously, as 2012 draws to a close, (and GOOD RIDDANCE!!) a lot of change has already taken place.  I've started to learn how to care about myself, and to care for myself.  I've come to the realization that sometimes, putting one's self first can be ok.  It's only when we take care of us that we become the best we can be for the other people in our life.  It's a crazy revelation to find that, when I thought I was being most selfless and altruistic, I've really been selling short those around me, who have had to watch me struggle and fall time and time again.  I'm not saying there won't be more falls.  Part of life is falling and getting back up again.  But many of those falls can be avoided by simply being aware of one's self.

I say "simply".  Funny how I choose that word to describe something that's anything but "simple"...

Part of my ongoing journey towards understanding and caring for myself as best I possibly can is exploring why it's gone wrong before.  I'm not going to lie.  That part sucks.  In order to really get a handle on this, you have to stop blaming everything else for why things happen the way they do, and really take a good hard look at your own part in the scheme of those things.  This is where it can get ugly.  This year, I've had to face some difficult and very inconvenient truths about myself, and I don't expect the coming year will be free of those revelations any time soon.  I just have to remember that even when it gets gross, there is a purpose to this, and that purpose is to emerge safe and whole on the other side.  For the first time in, like, ever, I'm excited about that.  And that feels pretty damn good!

*deep, cleansing breath*

So this is where I stake that claim. 

I hate the term "New Year's Resolution".  It just rings hollow to me.  So, if you will indulge me, I'm renaming this.

Ooooh yes, that's much better!  There's boldface, caps, underlining AND know, because all pink things are good things.  (Minds out of the gutter, please.  This is a family blog!)
  • To live.  Well, yes, that should be pretty obvious.  I would very much like to survive another year, and preferably at least a few more following.  But have you ever stopped to think about whether you're really living, or simply existing?  I have.  I've thought about it a lot, especially in this past year.  This year, I'm making the choice to live.  What does that look like?  I'm glad you asked!  The following things are what living looks like for me.  Your mileage may vary.
  • To experience joy.  Anyone who knows me well can tell you that I'm generally a pretty happy person, at least outwardly.  I've been blessed with a sunny, if mildly caustic, disposition that has served me well most of my life.  But just like there's a difference between existing and really living, there's a difference between being cheerful and experiencing joy.  Experiencing joy involves allowing yourself to be really present in that put aside all the reasons for holding back.  I don't know anyone else, but I'm more than a bit sick of holding back.  I think I'd like to stop that now.
  • To be kind.  Again, I'm really not a big meanie face as a general rule.  But I also don't generally really reach out to make someone's day better.  How many times, even just in the course of a day, do we leave a word of encouragement unsaid?  And how many times might that word of encouragement made all the difference in the world to the person receiving it?  It goes back again to being present in the moment.  It's funny how, even as I'm working so hard to stop putting myself last, I have to put a little more work into stepping outside of my isolation to make someone else's life a little better, but you know, life is odd like that sometimes.
  • To leave this year better in some way than how I came into it.  I pretty much say this every year.  This year is no exception.  This pretty well sums it all up.  If I can look back at the end of 2013 and say that life looks better for me somehow, even if it's just in a very small way, I can then say it's been a successful year.  As hard as 2012 has been in places, I can say this has indeed been a successful year.  The next one's looking even better!  I can't wait to see what it holds!

To all my friends and family, and to all the friends I'm making now, and the friends I will make in the year to come,  I wish each and every one of you nothing but the very best of everything you can draw from life.  Let's make this year the best one ever!  Here we go..



Monday, October 1, 2012

Yup, I'm joining a gym!

This is going to be a bit of a run-by posting, as I only have about 10 minutes of my lunchtime left, but I wanted to share what's going on in my life since I haven't updated in a while.

Here's a little-known fact about me:  I harbor a secret desire to be...wait for it...a gym bunny. 

Ermagersh, look at 'im!  D'awwww!   That's just way too much cute!
All kidding aside, seriously...much as I front about being low-maintenance and a lone wolf when it comes to exercise, a huge part of me craves that communal experience and shared sweat spray that can only come from a gym environment.  Truth be told, and this probably doesn't come as a surprise to anyone but me...I don't dig the "going it alone" aspect, no matter how much I've protested otherwise.
Enter Planet Fitness.  They're opening a new branch in my hometown, literally about 5 minutes up the road from me.  My sister has been going to one of their other locations for a while, and she really loves it.  So I'm going to go give them a look on my way home from work tonight.  Stay tuned for the review tomorrow!



Sunday, August 19, 2012

This Girl's Got Goals!

One of the coolest things so far about all this lifestyle-changing business is how I've started to think about the future and see myself fitter.  That, of course, has led to the setting of many goals, or my "bucket list", if you will.  Here's some of the fun things in store for me.  Who knows when I'll do some of these, but you can be assured I'm going to have a seriously great time crossing them off the list!

KC Blues 'n' Brews 5K

I know exactly when I'm doing this one!  September 30, 2012.  Will I inspire anyone with my astonishing finish time.  Uhhh...probably not, unless they're astonished by exactly how long it takes me to finish.  But who cares?  That's not why I'm there.

I'm there for these guys:

Yeah, that's right...Blues Traveler will be playing a concert at the end of this run!  I can take or leave the "brews" part, but you bet your life I'll be soaking up the "blues" portion!

Glow Run 5K, St Louis

I missed the KC event for this, and that's sad, but come on...St Louis isn't THAT far away, and there are glowing things and a dance party involved!!  It's a must-do.  I have every intention of making a weekend of it and partying it UP!

Those are my two immediate planned runs.  Here are some of the things I want to do in the future, both near and far.  Not all are run-related, but they're all guaranteed to be AMAZING!!

Dirty Girl 5K, Chicago

I've been dying to do a mud run for quite some time, and this one looks like a crazy amount of fun!  And it's girls-only...doesn't get better.  Sad that I have to travel to Chicago to do it, because KC isn't quite cool enough, I guess.  But it'll give me a fun thing to look forward to doing, and I have a couple of friends I can visit while I'm there!

Riding the Rip Cord at Worlds of Fun

If I'm being completely honest, I will be riding every roller coaster and thrill ride in this's been WAAAYY too long since I fit in a roller coaster seat.  But this one is the big one.  Just have a look at this description:

"The RipCord is a Skycoaster attraction that features a 189-foot tethered free-fall. Guests wear a full body harness that supports the flyer in a prone position. The scale of flight is so dramatic that flyers accelerate to 60 - 80 miles per hour and achieve the sensation of hang-gliding."

Yes, please!  Where do I sign?  Technically, I can ride this now, but I wouldn't be able to take anyone else with me, due to the weight capacity, and what fun is pseudo-hang gliding without a couple of people to share the experience?

Just in case your heart isn't far enough into your throat, here's a picture:

Yup, that's pretty tall, all right, and I'm going to love every foot of it!

And now for the big mama jama:

Backroads Hiking Tour of Ireland

This company has a ton of adventures on which I would LOVE to go, but my favorite by far is this one:  a 6 day, 5 night hiking tour of the coasts and cliffs of Ireland.  I've dreamed for years of going there some day, and once I've literally worked my butt off, I can't think of a better reward for all that hard work!

Who can resist scenery like this?  If I could see this on my walks every day, I'd be a whole lot more excited about walking, let me tell ya!

I have tons more goals: to have a huge reveal party, wear a slinky dress, play a live concert for my friends and family...the list is endless.  I can hardly wait to start making these dreams come true!

Until next time....



Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pumpin': How I Work Out

GRRRR!!!  I had just started this post, and went to my files to find a picture of the fitbit, and poof!  I closed the wrong window.  Goodbye, witty blog post!  So in its place, you will have the following post instead.  Let's all have a big "sad panda", while I try not to do that again:

If I had been paying attention, the first part of this blog would have been a nice little rant about all the big jerks who keep telling me I need to exercise, like I don't already do that.  There was a fabulous metaphor about how multiple tools are needed to accomplish a job, and it was completely brilliant.  But now that I've finished my panic attack, I'm over my vent, and it's just not as effective any more.   Sorry you missed my fabulosity.  I promise I'll make more!

Now on to the point:  Right now, working out for me doesn't look quite like it might if I were in better shape going into this game.  I have every intention down the line of sending the buffest of meatheads to the corner to babble mindlessly and sob into their sweat towels while they marvel at my mad skills and wish they were me, but for the moment, it's baby steps.

When you look at the fact that I was winded after climbing a flight of stairs 4 months ago, I think I'm pretty much a freaking rock star, mmmkay?  Sometimes, it's all relative.

I mentioned something about needing a tool box to get the job done.  Well, here's what's in mine:

The Fitbit

I'm only half kidding when I say that any mention of the name of this amazing little gadget should be accompanied by the finest of Heaven's angels singing the "Hallelujah Chorus".  I seriously credit this invention with saving my ever-loving life.  You're going to want one of these after you read about it, if you don't already have one, so here's where you can get it: .  They're also sold at Target and Best Buy stores.  They'll set you back a little less than $100 most places, but the sheer volume of fun little apps and trackers and general goodness you get, combined with the best customer support I've ever seen in the event something should go wrong (perish the thought!), makes it well worth the money, as far as I'm concerned.

OK...I'm going to hit the save button before I post the picture this time!

Good deal.  I'm covered.  This is what the fitbit looks like:

It's about the size of your average flash drive, and you just clip it to your belt or put it in your pocket.  Some women wear theirs on their bra, but I check mine like every.  Five.  Seconds, so I decided that's probably not the best place for me.  It comes in black, accented this nifty silver, pink, or blue.  I have the pink one, because everything's better in pink.

The concept is pretty simple:  the more you move, the happier your fitbit will be.  The little flower graphic on the front starts out as a tiny little bud, and grows to be a truly epic vine if you give it enough "fuel".  The fitbit tracks the steps you take, the calories you burn, and the number of stairs you climb in a day, as well as how many hours of sleep you get and how many times you wake up in a night if you use the included wrist strap to wear it while you sleep, and compiles all that data into a neat little webpage where you can chart your progress.  It links into a number of other apps, including My Fitness Pal and my personal favorite, (more about that later), providing interactive feedback that works with those sites to create some seriously cool rewards.  There are social aspects to their log page, where you can compete with your friends to see who's done the most mileage or burned the most calories.  AND it says fun things to you when you pick it up, like "Faster" or "Love Ya".  All in all, it's a genius motivational tool.

Make no mistake, this thing may be tiny, but it motivates like a fiend!  I find myself constantly trying to outdo my totals from the day before.  I may or may not have once or twice refused to go to bed until I had walked up and down the halls and 3 flights of stairs, just to reach a new goal.  I seriously doubt I'd move nearly as much as I do now if I didn't have it.  I love this thing!

Canine Walking Buddy  

I'm of the firm belief that everyone needs one of these, but not everyone agrees with me.  Personally, I just can't beat the motivation that comes with this face ready to go on a new adventure with me every morning.

Her name is Jetta, and I got her from a local rescue.  Please consider a shelter pet before shopping from a breeder.  It's one of the best things I've ever done.  She makes all the walking fun, and provides an inability to wiggle out of my workouts that I've never had before she came along.  Accountability is everything, let me tell ya!


I know, I know...some people say active video games are not an effective workout.  I'm even inclined to agree that they shouldn't be your sole form of calorie burning.  But as a quick way to squeeze in more activity, or a jumping-off point on the way to being more active, I don't think they can be beat.  My favorites are dance-based games like Just Dance and Zumba Fitness.

Motivational and Tracking Websites 

I can't do anything without electronically exclaiming about it, so these are key tools for me.  My favorite, besides the fitbit dashboard, I mentioned earlier.  It's called  It's a reward system where you track your workouts (mine sync automatically from my fitbit...handy!), and are rewarded with earndit points that you can redeem for gift certificates to a variety of sports- and active lifestyle-related sites, or to donate to charity.  I have donated my points to pay for schooling for a girl in Kenya, and I've cashed them in once for $10 off an ID band from Go Sport ID.  It's so much fun to see your hard work pay off!

(Speaking of Go Sport ID, I can't stress enough how important it is for everyone to have reliable identification in the event of an accident, especially if you have any medical concerns.  You never know when you might not be able to speak for yourself.  Go get one so you stay safe and come back to read my blog, ok?) those are my tools.  Now what am I doing  with them?

Well, that part is surprisingly short, compared to all that information above.  I never let a day go by without moving in some way.  Some days, I dance with the Wii.  I usually do about 45 minutes of that, 2-3 times a week.  Since Jetta joined the family, I'm out every day, twice a day, walking her at a fairly good clip for as far as we can get in 30 minutes.  Most days, that's a mile and change.  After all is said and done at the end of the day, I average around a 400-calorie burn on a good active day.  I try to string as many of those good days together as I can.  I'm not perfect.  I don't make it every single day.  Some days, I only burn 150-200 calories.  Other days, I burn 600.  It's all a process.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is that it really doesn't matter HOW you burn your calories.  What's important is that you do it.  Eating right is only part of the battle.  Nobody knows better than me how hard it is to get started, especially when you don't feel good.  But you're not going to feel better until you do it.  It might suck a bit at first, but I promise, it gets easier.  I started with just 10 minutes a day, and I'm already up to an hour or more in less than 4 months.  The crazy thing is, now my body actually craves the movement.  I find myself fidgeting in my chair if I don't get up and do something.  If you'd told me a year ago that I wouldn't be able to go a whole day without adding movement in some way, I'd have laughed you out of the room.

Now, if we could just work on convincing me to get out of bed earlier in the morning...

So that's about it for today...I don't know what I'll talk about next time, but I promise it'll be riveting!



Sunday, July 8, 2012

Using the tools I'm given, or how I've changed my eating habits

Now that we've gotten all the technicals out of the way, I can get on with the more personal stuff that I think makes this blog FAR more interesting.  But first, I have to brag a little and Happy Dance a lot...wonder how many calories one burns doing the Happy Dance?

I started this journey back in April, knowing I was in for at least 6 months of supervised dieting.  So I decided, if I'm going to have to do it anyway, I was going to make the best of it and drastically change my habits.  The way I look at it, this will put me that much closer to success in the end, and increase my chances of having a smoother adjustment period post-op.  So far, that's been absolutely correct.  I am super happy to report that, as of today, I have lost 25 lbs!  Well, 25.2 to be exact, but who's counting, right?  Oh wait...I'm counting.  In 7 more pounds, I will have successfully shed 10 percent of my starting weight, and I have no reason to believe I won't hit and surpass that well before my surgery date.

So now the big question:  so many people around me have asked, "how are you doing this?"  Well, I'm happy to tell you!  Anyone who knows me well knows that I LOVE to talk about myself, and especially my successes, so buckle in, because this is bound to be a long read.

We'll start at the beginning.  When I started all this, I was shocked and alarmed to find that I weighed 335 lbs.  Yeah, you read that right.  It's the heaviest I've ever been in my life, and SO not okay with me.  I even have a hard time typing that number now, even knowing how far away from it I've gotten, and how much further I'm going to continue to go.  It was easy for me to hide from the truth...I've always enjoyed great physical health, and am far more fit than the number on the scale might lead you to believe.  I also carry my weight pretty well.  I'm on the taller side of average and pretty muscular, so I look about 40 pounds lighter than I really am.  I could clean up at those "guess your weight" games they play at amusement parks, if I were willing to share my actual weight with complete strangers!

Well, it pretty much goes without saying that seeing the naked truth in digital numbers in front of me was more than a bit sobering.  I knew that big changes needed to be made, and fast.  So I started gradually eliminating things.  I read this article on about the benefits of giving up soda, so that's where I started.  I thought I was doing ok because I was only drinking diet soda, but the truth is, I still wasn't doing my body any favors.  As someone who already takes a stimulant med for ADHD, I certainly didn't need the extra caffeine to drive up my blood pressure, and the artificial sweeteners...well, the jury's still out on whether or not those are TRULY harmful, but I look at it like this:  if I don't KNOW for sure, why risk it?  So I started by switching to caffeine free sodas, then went to only clear diet sodas with no caffeine.  Once I had a handle on that, I started drinking water flavored with Mio or Crystal Light, then gradually reducing even that, until I was drinking only clear, unflavored water.

If you had told me 3 months ago that I would not only drink just water, but come to actually prefer it, I'd have told you that you were insane.  But now I drink a gallon or more of water a day, and I find that I've started to actually crave more water.  It has to be super ice cold, and I don't care for tap water, but I'm getting it in.  On very rare occasions, I will drink iced tea (decaf if I can get it), and even more rarely, I will still have a can of soda, but I don't drink anywhere near the amount that I used to.

Cutting out soda and changing nothing else about my diet netted me a 6-pound weight loss in the first 2 weeks, but there's no sense in doing things halfway.  So I started taking a look at the food going onto my plate, too.  I learned during my research on Obesity Help and sites like livestrong.comSpark People, and My Fitness Pal  that lean proteins are hugely helpful in weight loss.  I have a hard time getting in my proteins because I'm a vegetarian (more on that later), so I've found that the best way for me to add protein is in beverage form.  It doesn't work for everybody, but it's what works well for me.  I particularly love Syntrax Nectar because they come in a bigger variety of flavors than most shakes, and they don't have that horrid protein aftertaste and smell that are so common in protein-enhanced foods.  My favorite flavors are the Cappuccino and Fuzzy Navel.  I like to mix the Cappuccino with their Vanilla Bean Torte or Double Stuffed cookie flavors to make a drink that's just as good as anything you can get from Starbucks, with a whole lot more  bennies!

  Here's the nutritional info:

This label is for the Cappuccino flavor.  Some flavors have 100 calories, but they all have no fat, no carbs, and that wonderful 23 grams of protein!

So back to the vegetarian thing.  I love animals, really I do, but honestly, my decision to go vegetarian had very little to do with fluffy bunnies.  I was mostly motivated by the fact that I don't love the idea of all the chemicals and other nasties that go into meat processing...I'll spare you all the disgusting photos and web links that are usually associated with this mention...and I, personally, just generally feel better when I don't eat meat.  My digestion is smoother, and I have more energy and fewer problems with my joints and skin.  Again, it's not for everyone, but it works for me.  I'll be the last to tell anyone not to enjoy a big fat steak, if it makes them happy, but if you ask me why I eat the way I do, you should be prepared for a lot of information!  If, after hearing me talk, you still want that steak, that's your business and I won't try to change your mind.  I do still eat eggs and some forms of dairy...for me, protein was nearly impossible without those.

And now for a gratuitous picture of a typical lunch for me.  This salad contains dark leafy greens, Laughing Cow cheese, a cup of sliced strawberries, and a vegetarian protein patty from Morningstar Farms.  On this particular day, I think it was California Turkey flavor.  I like my dressing on the side, and it's usually some sort of vinaigrette.  I never eat more than a few tastes of the dressing anyway.

Breakfast is either Greek yogurt and fruit, or an Egg McMuffin with no canadian bacon.  Dinner is more often than not a similar salad, sometimes a shirataki noodle stir fry or an omelet, and half a cup of nonfat cottage cheese.  I use the protein shakes I mentioned before as a snack twice a day, and, honestly, I don't ever get hungry or feel deprived.  I pin a whole lot of vegetarian recipes, and I visit more food blogs than I ever did before I started eating healthy.  I'll put some of those in my blogroll as time goes on.  Right now, I'm a bit too busy enjoying the process of learning about new recipes myself, and I don't have a huge list of readers, but I do LOVE to share, so don't hesitate to ask if you want to know!

This has already become a bit windy, so I'll wait to talk about my exercise habits til next blog.  See you soon! 




Monday, June 18, 2012

Humph! (Change in plans)

I've been meaning to post about this since I had my first surgeon consult on 6/11, but, well, life got in the way.

First, let me say this:  I'm not exaggerating when I say anyone in the Greater Kansas City area who is considering WLS should go see Dr. Hoehn or Dr. Kowalski at KC Bariatric .  I can't say enough things about what a good experience I've had there so far.  I started out attending their free informational seminar, where I was fully impressed by Dr. Hoehn's extensive knowledge and professionalism.  It doesn't hurt that they're the only bariatric surgery provider in the area covered by my insurance, so I went ahead and booked myself through his office.  My opinion hasn't changed.  Dr. Hoehn and his staff are very knowledgeable, but no one there comes off like they're in any way better than you.  It's clear that his staff love their job, and they honestly want to make this whole process as easy as possible for every patient.  Give them a call.  You won't be sorry!

So I went to see Dr. Hoehn last week, and I might have mentioned I loved him to death.  I feel very comfortable putting my surgery in his hands, even after I was's the kick in the teeth...VSG surgery is not a covered benefit on my insurance plan.


I find it incredibly amusing (in a totally sarcastic way, of course) that no one...not one single soul...that I have spoken with on the multiple calls leading up to this appointment has seen fit to mention this little tidbit of information.  Let's just say I'm about as NOT thrilled with my insurance carrier (who shall remain nameless at least until I have actual gold-star approval for my surgery) as I am thrilled with Dr. Hoehn and KC Bariatric.  It took me 5, count 'em 5 phone calls, and a total of 3 hours, to finally get a straight answer from a customer service representative.  Turns out they DO actually cover VSG, but only in VERY rare instances, and only after a more thorough review than they give the other two surgeries.  Hell with all that!   And they don't pay for Lap Band fills or revisions, should they become necessary.  So, it looks like Roux En Y  (RNY) bypass for me.  Certainly not my first choice, but I know I can live with it.

So here's a bit about RNY, courtesy of Obesity Help:

Not much really changes, except the type of procedure.  The biggest differences are that I will need to take daily nutritional supplements for the rest of my life, and I'll be wearing a MedAlert bracelet all the time because I won't be able to take certain medications (mainly NSAID pain meds), and if I need an NG tube for any reason, it will have to be placed using a scope, so as not to perforate my shallow stomach.  But it's either that, or live with diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and a whole host of other social and medical issues, hanging over my head for the rest of my life.  So the choice seems pretty simple to me.  At least SOMETHING is covered.

In related news, I also saw my PCP last week.  She's very pleased with my progress so far on the pre-op diet.  I'm down just shy of 23 lbs, walking daily, continuing to eat vegetarian, and I've totally kicked my soda addiction.  My blood pressure is starting to come down, and I'm generally feeling tons better, pardon the pun.

Next steps:  I go to get my psych eval in the next month or so, and then after that, it's on to the EGD.  Can't say I'm a fan of this last one.  I'm just counting my lucky stars that I get to have a little nap while it's being done.

After that, it'll be 3 more months of dieting (2 months after the EGD), and then my petition for approval will be submitted to my insurance company.  No one sees any reason to believe at this point that I'll be denied, but only time will tell.  Meanwhile, I'm just going to keep doing what I do, and work towards the best results possible!

A lot of my friends have been curious about my diet and exercise habits pre-op, and how life will look for me post-op.  I promise I'll touch on those in my next blog post, so look for that soon!
